marriage on bonnie

3:20 PM


while Rae is sleeping I wanted to jot down something I was thinking about earlier...

i was half watching the Bonnie show today while playing with rae and heard somethings that caught my attention...

there was a lady on there talking about divorce and marriage...they were saying things that I have realized about life and that I feel like most Christians realize about life at some point...but the difference in what this lady was saying was that she, nor anyone else talking, had any hope that marriages could succeed...if they lasted they couldn't be happy, it would only be out of a feeling of obligation that people are together because if it's love than it won't last. She said things about how marriages in the past have lasted because of the community and how they stay together for the sake of others. there is a responsibility. She said something about being ok with falling out of love.

Then it hit me! The thing that these people are missing, the thing that could keep their marriages together through all the crap in the world, is God! That's why you can't figure out how to make it work. That's why one always ends up leaving or giving up, they don't know how to take it to God. They don't know that they need to be finding their worth in Him not their spouse! They don't get the truth so they of course have no HOPE!

Praise God that I know Him and have hope that when things are tough, God is there to get us through and when I am full of irrational emotions, I can rely on His truth!

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  1. You know TP and I have come a hard road and it ABSOLUTELY is a GOD thing that we are still together---but it was only because we decided "there is NO WAY out-so there must be a way through" I always say to those struggling and "DECIDE" if you are going to take God at His word and trust that this will not be your forever---Can God give me what I desire "one man and one woman together forever?" YES HE CAN!

    We weren't even truly living for God when things were so tough--but HE persued us and we listened. To God be the glory forever.

    I am starting to sry, no biggie if you know me, but just thinking if we hadn't have stayed together I would not even be typing this to you because I would not know you-I would not have had the privledge of being in Laurens life-she would not be at a Christian college---

    I mean the consequences or privileges are endless based on our choices God's way-or Our way. I know the way I will take...

    As for me and my house we will serve the Lord

  2. Just so you know, you received an award on my site :) Pick it up! Repost it if you like.


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