so we now have a blog. i have wanted one for a long time and I decided on this lazy day to start one!
I have missed this since college when I used to have one on a different site(can't remember the name)
I love reading about what God is doing in people's lives and sharing what is happening in my/ours!
Also, I know that the name of this blog is Jesse and Kristy but it will also include stories about Raegan Louise and Lucianna Louise(our toy poodle)!
another thing is that Jesse will prob post things also, that is why my name is at the top, so that you will know who is talking. Jesse's post will most likely either be funny or contriversial...that's how he rolls :)
also, if any one has any tips to how to do this, I will take what I can get!
well i will end now with the intro but will prob post again soon! I AM SO EXCITED!!!
so we now have a blog. i have wanted one for a long time and I decided on this lazy day to start one!
I have missed this since college when I used to have one on a different site(can't remember the name)
I love reading about what God is doing in people's lives and sharing what is happening in my/ours!
Also, I know that the name of this blog is Jesse and Kristy but it will also include stories about Raegan Louise and Lucianna Louise(our toy poodle)!
another thing is that Jesse will prob post things also, that is why my name is at the top, so that you will know who is talking. Jesse's post will most likely either be funny or contriversial...that's how he rolls :)
also, if any one has any tips to how to do this, I will take what I can get!
well i will end now with the intro but will prob post again soon! I AM SO EXCITED!!!